Legal Forms Guide: A VA Form 21-41:38 is the Veteran Affairs statement in support of a claim form. It is used to support a claim for benefits. This form is mandatory and provides requested information to Veterans Affairs while they evaluate your claim. The VA Form 21-41:38 can be found on the United States Department of Veteran Affairs website. The first section requires your basic identification information, such as your name, social security number, and the claims file number of the veteran making the claim. Next, the large section on the first page requires a well-thought-out statement connected to the claims you are applying for. This section is crucial as it supports your claims. When writing your statement, ensure that you include a detailed explanation to address all the required additional information requested by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Make sure to cover all your claims in this statement. You can either handwrite your explanation in the provided space or type it on a computer and attach it. Remember to also attach any supporting documents that are required. After completing your statement, you need to certify your VA Form 21-41:38. Sign and date it at the bottom of the page and provide your address and phone number for contact purposes. If the statement doesn't fit in the provided space on the first page, you can continue it in the space on the second page. You may also attach additional pages if needed. To submit your VA Form 21-41:38 to the Department of Veteran Affairs, mail it to the provided address, ensuring it reaches the correct office for review. For more informational videos, please visit
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PDF fillable va 21 4138 Form: What You Should Know
IF AVA FORM 21-4138 AND VA FORM 21-4139 ARE USED TO SUPPORT CLAIMS FOR VA BENEFITS, DEBTS, SERVICES, OR RELATED AGREEMENTS, I, THETA CERTIFY (I certify) that I am the authorized representative of the claimant as defined in VA form 21-4138; that I have been given a copy of the statement of claimant's name, Social Security Number (SSN), date and place of birth, and a copy of any accompanying certificate; and that I know or have reliable information regarding all of this information on a form of acceptable form or document (e.g., birth or death certificate, official transcript, hospital or physician statement, etc.) that can reasonably be expected to have been given as evidence by the claimant. REVOKED, SEPT 30, 2025 — DO NOT Used to SUPPORT ANY CLAIMS WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE AND APPROVAL FROM YOUR CONGRESSIONAL OR AGENCIES. VA Form 21-4138 is also used for other claims and contracts where a signed statement on it is required. These include, but are not limited to: — VA contracts or contracts for services — Veterans Employment and Training Program contracts or contracts for services — Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments and Survivors Benefits (SSI-SP) payouts -- For example, this form can be used to sign up for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Survivors Benefits (SSI-SP). -- For veterans who have no VA Social Security Number (SSN) because they were discharged under conditions other than dishonorable, there is a new Form 10-B Veteran Application, Form SS-30, which can be used to request a VA social security number if the veteran doesn't have one. -- This form can be used to sign up for Veteran Claims Services.
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